ATTENTIVE-D1: Sistema automatico di monitoraggio e predizione di eventi avversi nel diabete
Research group: FISIOMAT
Project leader: Antonella Farsetti
Url progetto:

The project foresees the development and validation of a decision support system for people affected by insulin-treated diabetes mellitus. The system will be able to leverage the readout of commercial continuous glucose monitoring sensors to make predictions about future blood glucose levels, in order to prevent adverse glycemic events. Aim of the project will be the development of an embedded system capable of warning in advance the patient who may therefore take appropriate countermeasures. (Progetto cofinanziato dall’Unione Europea e Regione Lazio, n. A0375-2020-36667, Call for proposals: POR FESR LAZIO 2014-2020, Totale Spesa ammessa: € 150.035,55 – Totale Sovvenzione concessa: € 150.000,00 )

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