
Istituto di Analisi dei Sistemi ed Informatica "Antonio Ruberti" Via dei Taurini, 19 00185 Roma - Italy
Stanza: 513

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Simona Panunzi

Role: Senior Researcher

Research group: FISIOMAT

PhD Statistics is a mathematical statistician with experience in the field of mathematical modelling and statistics applied to medicine with particular attention to insulin/glucose metabolism; to the estimation of statistical parameters for non-linear models both with a classical and Bayesian approach.

Recent publications

  1. 2022
    Validation of a simplified-geometry model of inhaled formoterol pharmacodynamics in asthmatic patients
    Simona Panunzi, Claudio Gaz, Fabio Cibella, Andrea De Gaetano
  2. 2022
    The Influence of Sociodemographic Factors, Lifestyle, and Risk Perception on Dietary Patterns in Pregnant Women Living in Highly Contaminated Areas: Data from the NEHO Birth Cohort
    Silvia Ruggieri, Gaspare Drago, Simona Panunzi, Giulia Rizzo, Elisa Eleonora Tavormina, Sabina Maltese, Fabio Cibella
  3. 2022
    A modelling approach to hepatic glucose production estimation
    Simona Panunzi, Andrea De Gaetano
  4. 2021
    The Neonatal Environment and Health Outcomes (NEHO) Birth Cohort Study: Behavioral and Socioeconomic Characteristics and Drop-Out Rate from a Longitudinal Birth Cohort in Three Industrially Contaminated Sites in Southern Italy
    Ruggieri S, Maltese S, Drago G, Cibella F, Simona Panunzi
  5. 2021
    Modellistica matematica e piattaforme informatiche a supporto della ricerca ambientale
    Alessandro Borri, Luciano Curcio, Valerio Cusimano, Andrea De Gaetano, Giovanni Denaro, Laura D'Orsi, Sabina Maltese, Simona Panunzi, Francesca Pellicanò, Marcello Pompa, Carlotta Terradura
  6. 2021
    Metabolic surgery versus conventional medical therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes: 10-year follow-up of an open-label, single-centre, randomised controlled trial
    Mingrone Geltrude, Simona Panunzi, De Gaetano Andrea, Guidone Caterina, Iaconelli Amerigo, Capristo Esmeralda, Chamseddine Ghassan, Bornstein Stefan R., Rubino Francesco
  7. 2021
    Metabolic reprogramming by malat1 depletion in prostate cancer
    Simona Nanni, Aurora Aiello, Chiara Salis, Agnese Re, Chiara Cencioni, Lorenza Bacci, Francesco Pierconti, Francesco Pinto, Cristian Ripoli, Paola Ostano, Silvia Baroni, Giacomo Lazzarino, Barbara Tavazzi, Dario Pugliese, Pierfrancesco Bassi, Claudio Grassi, Simona Panunzi, Giovanna Chiorino, Alfredo Pontecorvi, Carlo Gaetano, Antonella Farsetti
  8. 2021
    Measuring Risk Perception in PregnantWomen in Heavily Polluted Areas: A New Methodological Approach from the NEHO Birth Cohort
    Ruggieri S, Maltese S, Drago G, Simona Panunzi, Cibella F, Bianchi F, Minichilli F, Cori L
  9. 2021
    Comparative efficacy of different weight loss treatments on knee osteoarthritis: A network meta-analysis
    Simona Panunzi, Maltese Sabina, De Gaetano Andrea, Capristo Esmeralda, Bornstein Stefan R., Mingrone Geltrude
  10. 2021
    A population approach for the estimation of methylmercury ToxicoKinetics in red mullets
    Pellicanò Francesca, Laura D'Orsi, De Gaetano Andrea, Simona Panunzi

Current projects

    MoCarPo - Modellistica CardioPolmonare
    Research group: FISIOMAT
    Start date: 01/02/2021
    End date: 31/12/2024
    Search and Rescue
    Research group: FISIOMAT
    Url progetto:
    Start date: 01/07/2020
    End date: 30/06/2023