
Tor Vergata
Stanza: 406

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Personal site:

Sara Nicoloso

Role: Senior Researcher

Research group: OPTIMA

My research interests are Classical Combinatorial Optimisation Problems on special classes of Graphs. In particular, I’m interested in exact solution for problems such as Min Colouring, Min Sum Colouring, Graph Searching, and Max Independent Set on Circulant and Toeplitz graphs.
Settore ERC:
PE1_16: Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics

Recent publications

  1. 2021
    On the benchmark instances for the bin packing problem with conflicts
  2. 2018
    On the benchmark instances for the Bin Packing with Conflicts
  3. 2018
    A heuristic algorithm for the Bin Packing Problem with Conflicts on interval graphs
  4. 2017
    A local search approach for the Bin Packing Problem with Conflicts on Interval Graphs
  5. 2015
    Vertex-colouring of 3-chromatic circulant graphs
    Sara Nicoloso, U. Pietropaoli
  6. 2014
    Bipartite finite Toeplitz graphs
    Sara Nicoloso, U. Pietropaoli
  7. 2014
    On the chromatic number of Toeplitz graphs
  8. 2012
    Sara Nicoloso, U. Pietropaoli
  9. 2012
    Isomorphism testing for circulant graphs C_n(a,b)
    Sara Nicoloso, U. Pietropaoli
  10. 2011
    Bipartite finite Toeplitz graphs
    Sara Nicoloso, U. Pietropaoli