
Unità di Ricerca "Fisiopatologia dello Shock", Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Largo Agostino Gemelli 8, 00168 Roma - Italy
Stanza: 314

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Laura D’Orsi

Role: Post Graduate

Research group: FISIOMAT

Laura D´Orsi is a biomedical engineer working on the construction of mathematical modelling of physiological systems with ODEs. She is particularly interested in the modelling of respiratory system and the patient-ventilator interaction.
Settori ERC:
PE1_10 ODE and dynamical systems
PE1_18 Numerical analysis
PE1_21 Application of mathematics in sciences


Recent publications

  1. 2021
    Modellistica matematica e piattaforme informatiche a supporto della ricerca ambientale
    Alessandro Borri, Luciano Curcio, Valerio Cusimano, Andrea De Gaetano, Giovanni Denaro, Laura D'Orsi, Sabina Maltese, Simona Panunzi, Francesca Pellicanò, Marcello Pompa, Carlotta Terradura
  2. 2021
    A population approach for the estimation of methylmercury ToxicoKinetics in red mullets
    Pellicanò Francesca, Laura D'Orsi, De Gaetano Andrea, Simona Panunzi
  3. 2021
    A mathematical model of cardiovascular dynamics for the diagnosis and prognosis of hemorrhagic shock
    Laura D'Orsi, Curcio L, Cibella F, Borri A, Gavish L, Eisenkraft A, De Gaetano A
  4. 2020
    Comparison between two different cardiovascular models during a hemorrhagic shock scenario
    Curcio Luciano, Valerio Cusimano, Laura D'Orsi, Yokrattanasak Jirapat, De Gaetano Andrea
  5. 2020
    A Simple Cardiovascular Model for the Study of Hemorrhagic Shock
    Curcio Luciano, Laura D'Orsi, Cibella Fabio, Wagnert-Avraham Linn, Nachman Dean, De Gaetano Andrea
  6. 2020
    A simple cardiovascular model for the study of hemorrhagic shock
    Luciano Curcio, Laura D'Orsi, Fabio Cibella, Linn Wagnert-Avraham, Dean Nachman, Andrea De Gaetano
  7. 2019
    Global optimization issues in deep network regression: an overview
  8. 2019
    Assisted ventilation control based on phase and frequency estimation of respiratory drift
  9. 2017
    Modelling the ventilator-patient interaction: a pressure-cycled control strategy