
Istituto di Analisi dei Sistemi ed Informatica "Antonio Ruberti" Via dei Taurini, 19 00185 Roma - Italy
Stanza: 516

Contact Information

Call: 516


Personal site:

Guglielmo De Angelis

Role: Researcher

Research group: SAKS

My interests focus on software engineering methods and their supporting technologies. Most of my work addresses topics on software testing. Nevertheless, my research also covers the analysis, and the design of complex distributed software systems, often abiding by the service-oriented paradigm.
Settori ERC:
PE6_3 Software engineering, programming languages and systems
PE6_10 Web and information systems, data management systems, information retrieval and digital libraries, data fusion
PE6_7 Artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, natural language processing
PE6_12 Scientific computing, simulation and modelling tools

Recent publications

  1. 2022
    Unobtrusive in vivo test and rollback of Java applications
    Bertolino A., Guglielmo De Angelis, Miranda B., Tonella P.
  2. 2022
    Insights from running flaky tests into the field: extended version
    Barboni M., Bertolino A., Guglielmo De Angelis
  3. 2021
    What we talk about when we talk about software test flakiness
    Barboni M., Bertolino A., Guglielmo De Angelis
  4. 2021
    Inferring Relations among Test Programs in Microservices Applications
  5. 2021
    About the assessment of Grey Literature in Software Engineering
  6. 2021
    A survey of field-based testing techniques
    Bertolino A., Braione P., Guglielmo De Angelis, Gazzola L., Kifetew F., Mariani L., Orrù M., Pezzè M., Pietrantuono R., Russo S., Tonella P.
  7. 2020
    Run Java Applications and Test Them In-Vivo Meantime
    Bertolino A., Guglielmo De Angelis, Miranda B., Tonella P.
  8. 2020
    Quality-of-Experience driven configuration of WebRTC services through automated testing
    Bertolino A., Calabró A., Guglielmo De Angelis, Gortázar F., Lonetti F., Maes M., Tuñón G.
  9. 2020
    EDUFYSoS: A Factory of Educational System of Systems Case Studies
    Bertolino A., Guglielmo De Angelis, Lonetti F., de Oliveira Neves V., Olivero M.A.
  10. 2020
    DevOpRET: continuous reliability testing in DevOps
    Bertolino A., Guglielmo De Angelis, Guerriero A., Miranda B., Pietrantuono R., Russo S.

Current projects

  1. PRIN2022-DEA
    Research group: SAKS
    Url progetto:
    Start date: 28/09/2023
    End date: 27/09/2025
    OPENNESS - OPtimal bEhavior iN paNdEmic ScenarioS
    Research group: SAKS
    Url progetto:
    Start date: 15/04/2021
    End date: 14/11/2023
  3. PR17DEANG
    PRIN 2017 - PRIN201752ENYB Guglielmo De Angelis - SISMA - Solutions for Engineering Microservices Architectures
    Research group: SAKS
    Url progetto:
    Start date: 29/08/2019
    End date: 28/08/2023