
Unità di Ricerca "Fisiopatologia dello Shock", Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Largo Agostino Gemelli 8, 00168 Roma - Italy
Stanza: n.a.

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Carlo Chiarla

Role: Senior Researcher

Research group: FISIOMAT

Main scientific and clinical interests: Pathophysiology of surgical patients with major complications (sepsis, septic shock, liver dysfunction, and others), with special reference to monitoring and early diagnosis of metabolic, pulmonary and cardiovascular changes, in order to prevent their aggravation and lethal evolution.

Recent publications

  1. 2021
    Increased ratio of P[v-a]CO2 to C[a-v]O2 without global hypoxia: the case of metformin-induced lactic acidosis
    Andreis D.T., Mallat J., Tettamanti M., Carlo Chiarla, Ivo Giovannini, Gatti S., Protti A.
  2. 2021
    Erratum: Prognostic role of serum amino acids in head and neck cancer (Disease Markers (2020) 2020 (8) DOI: 10.1155/2020/2291759)
    Cadoni G., Giraldi L., Carlo Chiarla, Gervasoni J., Persichilli S., Primiano A., Settimi S., Galli J., Paludetti G., Arzani D., Boccia S., Ivo Giovannini, Almadori G.
  3. 2020
    Prognostic Role of Serum Amino Acids in Head and Neck Cancer
    Gabriella Cadoni, Luca Giraldi, Carlo Chiarla, Jacopo Gervasoni, Silvia Persichilli, Aniello Primiano, Stefano Settimi, Jacopo Galli, Gaetano Paludetti, Dario Arzani, Stefania Boccia, Ivo Giovannini, Giovanni Almadori
  4. 2020
    Increased ratio of P[v-a]CO 2 to C[a-v]O 2 without global hypoxia: the case of metformin-induced lactic acidosis
    Davide T Andreis, Jihad Mallat, Mauro Tettamanti, Carlo Chiarla, Ivo Giovannini, Stefano Gatti, Alessandro Protti
  5. 2019
    Re. “Changes in lipid metabolism in pediatric patients with severe sepsis and septic shock”
    Carlo Chiarla, Ivo Giovannini, Giacinto AD Miggiano
  6. 2019
    Composite variables, couplings and distinction of effects
  7. 2019
    Comment on “A Sustained Reduction in Serum Cholinesterase Enzyme Activity Predicts Patient Outcome following Sepsis”
  8. 2019
    Blood CO2 exchange monitoring, Haldane effect and other calculations in sepsis and critical illness
  9. 2017
    Plasma amino acids of the transsulfuration pathway and plasma lactate in septic patients
  10. 2015
    Clinical use of plasma chitotriosidase in severe sepsis
    Carlo Chiarla, Ivo Giovannini, D. Antuzzi, A. Piras, F. Ardito, F. Giuliante